Your Dog Remembers…


Reading today in EurekAlert! – The Global Source for Science News ( comes an article entitled:  Your Dog Remembers What You Did


img_0616Henry, the Asylum’s mascot (to your left) and resident mischief-maker does indeed remember what we do here.   He remembers that if he picks up a Locust pod and starts to chomp away on the poisonous seeds in the pod, that we’ll chase him all over the compound. Never mind that all pods have been raked and properly disposed of – he seems to have a cache of pods stashed somewhere outside that can be magically retrieved within seconds of departure time from the back yard door.  He delights in the chase. Once the game is on, he blitzes in full gallop, pod proudly in his mouth, taunting us to even try to catch him. We never can.

He remembers that if guests come to the compound, he is NOT to jump on them but then immediately remembers he is a dog and commences to cordially assault anyone and everyone with paws on their chests, kisses to their cheeks, and the one greeting he is particularly fond of giving – snout in the crotch.

He remembers to look at us with his light green, “please give me a treat because I’m literally starving to death” eyes, conveniently forgetting that he just devoured his morning doggy feast in a scant 60 seconds.   If one treat is given, the look of desperation turns to inconsolable desolation that another treat isn’t forthcoming.

He remembers that everyday, around the noon hour, this person wearing a type of blue uniform, with a bag over their shoulders comes to the front door and leaves stuff in a box on the front porch.   He never fails to greet the mailman with howls that would indicate a major bank heist is in progress.   He can see the mailman from the front window and will not quit the howling until said mailman has gotten in his truck on the corner and left the area.  Once he deems the compound secure, he comes at us with those “please give me a treat because I’m literally starving to death” green eyes.

But most importantly, and assuredly the most wonderful thing he always remembers to do, is give us love and attention each and every day.

We give thanks for Henry!  We couldn’t make it without him, no matter what he remembers to do each day.


      1. Thank you so very much for the reblog. So kind of you. And Henry sends along with his heartfelt appreciation as well! Since he’s such a lovable “ham”, he loves the extra attention. Cheers!

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