Step Aside…the comedian of all comedians has come upon us


In what can only be described as possibly the most legend remark ever made, Pope Francis set himself as the comedian of all comedians when he recently told more than 100 lesser comedians gathered at the Vatican, including such hysterical smile-producers like Whoopi Goldberg, Stephen Colbert, Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Fallon and others the following:

“When you manage to bring intelligent smiles to the lips of even a single spectator, you also make God smile.” – Pope Francis

Of course the pope speaks for God, everyone knows that.  But to come up with such a knee-slapping gem demonstrates that the pope is actually, probably, for reals, the real God given his ability to come up with the most ironic yet hysterical comment maybe ever uttered!  

The pontiff welcomed more than 100 comedians from 15 nations, including U.S. celebrities Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Stephen Colbert and Conan O’Brien.

“In the midst of so much gloomy news, immersed as we are in many social and even personal emergencies, you have the power to spread peace and smiles,” Francis told the comedians.

“You unite people, because laughter is contagious,” he continued, asking jokingly, “Please pray for me: for, not against!”

Francis pointed out that in the creation, “Divine wisdom practiced your art for the benefit of none other than God himself, the first spectator in history,” with God delighting in the works that he had made.

Wow!  That’s some heavy shite there.  God practiced the ‘art’ He created for the benefit of just Himself, before turning it over to some of the most unfunniest of people that He ever created.  That’s like mind-bending, deep thinking stuff.

“Remember this,” he added. “When you manage to bring intelligent smiles to the lips of even a single spectator, you also make God smile.”

Francis also said it was OK to “laugh at God” in the same way “we play and joke with the people we love.”

After delivering his speech, Francis greeted all the comedians individually, sharing laughs and jokes with some of them. – via

What a laugh fest that must have been.  When will the comedy tour begin?  



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