Securing climate justice by limiting your water, says UN assholes


Dickheads are forever getting together and coming up with things to take control of, all under the guise that they know what’s best for you.  And of course they do because they tell us they do.

Just like the cornholio scamdemic where local, national and even international cements heads started in with their rules and restrictions, claiming you had to do this or that – with a face diaper, with an injection certification, with an anal probe – like ‘Father’ from the 1950’s TV land, they know best.

And if you’re getting a bit nostalgic for those days of being told what to do and when by assholes, well, here’s your latest chance to step up to the plate just like all the obeying hapless sheeple did the last time and start bending over again for daily insertions of horseshit.

This time though, you don’t have to do anything like humiliate yourself by wearing a face diaper, or inject yourself with toxic goo – this time they’ll just be taking water from you…how d’ya like that?

UN Calls for Water Rationing to ‘Secure Climate Justice’ – via

The United Nations (UN) is calling on the governments of “sovereign” nations around the world to introduce sweeping new regulations that will allow globalists to apply strict controls and limits on the water supply.

The unelected bureaucratic agency argues that rationing water is part of its agenda for supposedly “securing climate justice.”

The regulations would assert major restrictions on the water use of the general public by giving individuals a dystopian daily allowance.

Under such regulations, citizens would be limited to only one shower per day, grass lawns on private homes would be banned, and gardens would be restricted.

To ration the water, the supply to homes would be restricted by a state-controlled meter.

The United States is among the first nations to get on board with the plans, with Democrat President Joe Biden’s obedient administration by signing on the UN treaties.

Absolutely no one, other than maybe Joey Biden, needs more than one shower a day. Everyone knows that.  Shitting one’s pants sometimes requires two or more showers a day.  Don’t worry, he’ll get an exemption.  But those grass lawns on private home and gardens in the back yard….ban those fuckers.  Climate justice is calling.  And if you’re not on board with this, then you’re some sort of racist and certainly not a team player who wants to step up to the plate.

If you’re not understanding, then maybe a few choice words from this tart will motivate you to step up to the plate:


Like the mom who can never quit being a mom to everyone who isn’t her mom, this daft bint is going to clue you in on her lofty and dainty bullshit that she thinks is just too abstract for you to understand.

WEF spokesperson Professor Mariana Mazzucato argues that a crisis centered around “water” will “deliver” where “Covid” and “climate change” both “failed.”

“You need water,” Mazzucato asserted during a panel discussion before an audience of salivating globalists.

During the discussion, Mazzucato, who is listed as one of the WEF’s “agenda contributors,” was lamenting how Covid and “climate change” failed to usher in a world government.

She then laid out her case for how a water crisis will be the catalyst that imposes a world government upon humanity.

“Did we actually manage to vaccinate everyone in the world? No,” Mazzucato, founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, said during a WEF forum on the “Economics of Water.”

“So highlighting water as a global commons and what it means to work together and see it both out of a global commons perspective but also the self-interest perspective, because it does have that parallel, is not only important, but it’s also important because we haven’t managed to solve those problems which had similar attributes.

“And water is something that people understand.

“Climate change is a bit abstract,” she said, waving her arms in the air.

“Some people understand it really well, some understand it a bit, some just don’t understand it.”

“Water, every kid knows how important it is to have water.

“When you’re playing football and you’re thirsty, you need water,” she noted.

“So there’s also something about really getting citizen engagement around this and really in some ways experimenting with this notion of the common good.”

Whoa!  This tart really knows what’s ahead

no idea

Strangely, no mention was made of these morons adhering to their own restrictions.  But I’m sure that was just an oversight and they will be the first ones showing all of us just how they’ll personally step up to the plate with the water rations they dream up…for climate justice, don’t you know.


Tonight’s musical offering:



  1. Wow, ‘lofty and dainty bullshit’ indeed! That explains why our water company just informed us if we go over our monthly allotment the cost more than doubles. Great way to get all those new gardeners to pay up for their new socially responsible hobby.

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